Team Productivity Training
How to increase productivity without a carrot and stick approach?
What is willpower and where to take it?
How to deal with fatigue and burnout?
How to increase efficiency?
How to become the Agile leader that people will follow?

Learn answers to the questions above in our unique "Team Productivity" training!
This training is for
Scrum Masters and Agile Leaders (Managers)
Team members
Specialists from related fields (such as HR, marketing, etc)

Productivity in Agile

Where Agile offers ready solutions to productivity issues, references to existing techniques will be made, with explanations on their application.

Where Agile does not provide a solution, techniques from other areas will be used. Such techniques will still be in line with Agile principles.
Training agenda
Energy levels
How are efficiency, productivity, willpower, leadership and readiness for change related to the amount of energy (resource)?
Performance isssues
The main reasons of low performance of teams and people.
Methods of dealing with performance reduction causes and methods of increasing productivity.
Why Agile needs leaders, how to pump yourself from the manager-employee level to a leader level.
Influence technologies
How to enhance and expand your influence
Change management
What a leader needs to know and do
Sustainable energy leader
How to maintain energy levels even under stressful conditions.
Burnout and leaders fatigue
Why is it happening, how to prevent it or reverse the effects
Metrics of resource status and performance of the leader and team: how to define control points and conduct diagnostics.
Learning outcomes
Join our training and you will learn:
  • how to determine why the team is not at its peak performance
  • what a Scrum master, manager and team can do about it
  • how to create a team without applying a carrot and stick approach
  • how to become a leader people listen to and follow
  • how to create a plan for "pumping" the team and the leader

    The training uses approaches from Agile, Management, Neuroscience, Coaching, Psychology and Facilitation techniques.
    Upcoming training dates
    Agile Team Productivity
    Moscow, Russian Federation
    September 17-18, 10:00 -18:00
    To participate please contact us of register here.
    September 17-18
    Please contact us to organize this training at your company or for any additional information!